Friday, December 14, 2012


She was sitting cross-legged on the floor. From the screen, those words were leaking down.
She could almost feel them flowing towards her legs.
But, you ascribed meaning to something that was not there. You saw what you wanted to see. You believe what you wanted to believe because that’s what your emotions do. They ascribe meaning to something that is not there.
They fool your perception as to what is real
I can ascribe whatever meaning I need to keep myself alive. Whatever stories behind ugliness that changes perspective about lights and shadows, whatever signs to boost hope. Whatever remnants of the sense and sensibility long dead. I see what my mind needs to see. Otherwise, I may go blind.
The skin remembers what the mind forgets. My eyes are wide open when closed. And, those words leaking down the screen got frozen.
Other voices were whispering in distress that feelings are getting extinct so like dinosaurs once.
But, I clinch tightly on such obsolete useless details of what I feel because I’m afraid my soul will end up barren and dried. That’s why with each expansion my lungs scribble on the wall of my rib cage There are no limits, except for those that we impose on ourselves. Open your eyes.
Open, open.


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