Monday, July 26, 2010

trip aside diary (I)

Great light. Full moon. The eyes keep looking way beyond the window. And then he smiled; the arch of upper lip was changing. “When you’re looking at me, what do you like most?” “Your jaw line. Well defined. Brisk and thin…" And eyes. And smile. And collarbone And shoulder line… It will be an excellent exhibition. By far. A magnificent theater of shadows they said. We are all haunted by shadows. Blades and collars hidden in the perfect whiteness of linen.
The light is gone.
So am I.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


It seems like jazz. Improvising, lots of volatile images popping-up; Surrender! Shut the perception doors wide open. Remain emotionally unattached. Sharing intimacy with an unapproachable slenderness caught in powerful rhythmic routines. Eyes touch that chin shape, trickle along the delicate long neck, then insidiously following those vague curves with minds’ fingers all way down…

Erase. Re-write.

how to ruin simple things

I thought things were going so well. They did. That’s when I screw up… Aceeaşi bancă pe care acum ceva vreme îmi sprijineam privirea de genunchi şi de umăr, dar n-aş fi îndrăznit să te privesc in ochi. Apoi, nu am îndrăznit să mă apropii; ţi-am cuprins cu ochii doar încheietura mâinii…

Monday, July 12, 2010


Deep. Intense. Bit harsh, bit tender.

Long falling vowels. Sensual pauses.

Tough consonants. Whispered sounds

Purring infrasounds into my ear.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


După multă vreme azi mi-am amintit subit de tine.

Un pop-up fulgerător. Scurt şi intens. O fracţiune de secundă de emoţie.

Găsisem o cheie în nisip în timp ce mă duceam la radio vacanţa să dau anunţ să ne întâlnim. Ai venit la obelisc. Apoi a venit seara. Mai târziu m-am gandit cum ar fi fost să vedem răsăritul şi să-ţi mângâi părul blond.

Dacă n-aş fi fost îndrăgostită de prietenul tău.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

hidden dimensions

There is more than one of everything

The escape. No reflections. Just pure mirror symmetry of incredible manifolds of life. I’ve just misspelled it file. So, the equation becomes suddenly simple.

Life is elsewhere.
