Tuesday, November 17, 2009

the constant

Şi fără să vreau mi-a venit în minte

All this...see, this is variables, it's random, it's chaotic. Every equation needs stability, something known. It's called a constant. […] This entire chain of events, it's going to start happening […]. One thing emerged over and over - can't change the past. Whatever happened, happened. But then, I finally realized, I've been spending so much time on the constants that I forgot about the variables. We're the variables. We think, we reason, we make choices.Îmi sună pink loyd obsesiv în cap. Fish bowl… Fish bowl… there’s no more fish bowl. Mâna lovind cu putere vasul transparent. Căderea. Mişcările şi contorsiunile apei. Cioburile. It’s all gone now. I just found my constant. I have my Desmond.


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