Monday, April 22, 2013


I was looking at the map. The place you are now makes the distance between us shorter. So short that in a different layer of time I would have probably jumped in a cab and run to the airport. So, I wouldn’t have been so many miles away. I would have been there. Walking among flashes and lights that would have been carved their places within the chemical reactions of what we call remembrances. While I was looking at that map “me” in my head was smiling. The very feminine me,wearing a large brimmed hat, was smiling. And the long hair was blown by the wind while gently covering and revealing the jawline, edge of neck and the shoulder; and the fingers smoothly keeping the hat’s brims. As if she was posing for a fashion magazine. That image residually remained in my visual cortex for long. She was being me, while I was watching myself.