The knight of right leaped over. The horse snorts and poaches the ground with its hooves. In this game of skill one must have above all else, Patience. The board changes, but very slowly. Then the horse pranced and the knight disappeared whilst cantering away. How many times should the linden tree bloom until you or I can come back? Just breathe and step forward. Inhale the sweet smell of linden flowers and mown grass and salty smell of ocean. Do you hear the wind? It is winnowing all the noise. Your jasmine mornings are waiting. And so, I kilt up my whites of fresh snow I crossed the nine seas. Ring the bell and think of your most important person. The message will be sent across the waves. I hope you will hear my song. The rook came closer. Deep inside you, there is a weird but passionate imagination, a lot of courage, self-preservation, gentleness and great cruelty. Give yourself more and you can do more when you grow up. Otherwise, you end up running…. I spent too much time here, too much, since I have been captured. I am no longer white but saddened and gray. The only thing I do, is watching you smiling, while I cannot. The art of chess, the art is knowing when a piece is most valuable and then, in that very moment, being willing to sacrifice it. I will sacrifice then. For in the vacuum created by the loss of what is most precious, opportunity abounds… Who are you? I am the white queen… and desire becomes destiny. On the game board, I am the wildest thing. And I have always known. The place where I shall return is there where the color of your sound is played.
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