Tuesday, February 16, 2010

play gravity

a nomad, a traveler, […], a photographer, an athlete, a writer, a world observer, and a world participant

tapping into the soul and the essence…

mountain and snow and those moments when I get to be alone with gravity

text excerpts and photo: http://www.sethwescott.com/

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

…so you can finally understand what I sound like…

nervously-written liner notes and carefully
wrought playlists recalls the thrill and anxiety

that came with making a tape, and by extension, with falling in love

first love, friendship and heartbreak

being young and in love

and desperately trying to capture in music

that intangible butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling

despre iarna

Mi-e draga iarna asta.

cu nametii ei mizerabili de pe marginea drumului.

cu mirosul ei aspru de ger si benzina arsa.

cu viscolul rebel care-mi ingheata parul.

cu zapada inghetata care sa-mi scartaie sub pasi.

cu orasul ascuns in alb, cu strazi inghetate si adormite in frig.

pisica mea neagra, care se zbenguie printre fulgi fara nici o teama, cred ca intr-o alta viata a fost urs polar.

Photo: http://wvs.topleftpixel.com/photos/2007/03/snow_waiting_john_queen_01.jpg

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Eugen arunca manusa:
daca ati merge la un carnaval, in ce personaj v-ati deghiza?

In Aragorn. Sau Galadriel. Lady of Light sau the rightful king.

Miza unui exercitiu de proiectie este sa fortezi o alegere

si acea alegere esti tu…

She was proud, strong, and selfwilled,

Yet deeper still there dwelt in her the noble

and generous spirit of the Vanyar

she had a marvellous gift of insight into the minds of others,

but judged them with mercy and understanding,

The hands of the King are the hands of a healer,

and so shall the rightful king be known

Aragorn, son of Arathorn was called …

Envinyatar (meaning "the renewer") …Estel ("hope")

Cum ar arata acea proiectie

Lady of light purtand lama subtire a unei sabii?

Sau parul lung al unei femei alunecand peste armura unui cavaler?

Renewer of selfwill, the generous spirit of a healer

Nu stiu...