a nomad, a traveler, […], a photographer, an athlete, a writer, a world observer, and a world participant
tapping into the soul and the essence…
text excerpts and photo: http://www.sethwescott.com/
"Eh... Cum te fugaream pe-acoperise jucând în ochii goi taceri piezise şi visul de zapezi şi visul frate, pe vremea când eram pisici dungate. Aevea fulgul clipei cazatoare mă imbraca în frig şi în ninsoare motan de aur alb; urlând intruna, m-amestecam pe-acoperis cu luna. Se svarcolea lung sarpele sub casa, dar din ureche nu vroia să ias şi-mi aducea vifornita nebuna, prin dinti, zapezile cu gust de luna." Nichita Stanescu, Argotice
tapping into the soul and the essence…
text excerpts and photo: http://www.sethwescott.com/
that came with making a tape, and by extension, with falling in love
first love, friendship and heartbreak
being young and in love
and desperately trying to capture in music
that intangible butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling
cu nametii ei mizerabili de pe marginea drumului.
cu mirosul ei aspru de ger si benzina arsa.
cu viscolul rebel care-mi ingheata parul.
cu zapada inghetata care sa-mi scartaie sub pasi.
cu orasul ascuns in alb, cu strazi inghetate si adormite in frig.
pisica mea neagra, care se zbenguie printre fulgi fara nici o teama, cred ca intr-o alta viata a fost urs polar.
Photo: http://wvs.topleftpixel.com/photos/2007/03/snow_waiting_john_queen_01.jpg
Eugen arunca manusa:
daca ati merge la un carnaval, in ce personaj v-ati deghiza?
In Aragorn. Sau Galadriel. Lady of Light sau the rightful king.
Miza unui exercitiu de proiectie este sa fortezi o alegere
si acea alegere esti tu…
She was proud, strong, and selfwilled,
Yet deeper still there dwelt in her the noble
and generous spirit of the Vanyar
she had a marvellous gift of insight into the minds of others,
but judged them with mercy and understanding,
The hands of the King are the hands of a healer,
and so shall the rightful king be known
Aragorn, son of Arathorn was called …
Envinyatar (meaning "the renewer") …Estel ("hope")
Cum ar arata acea proiectie
Lady of light purtand lama subtire a unei sabii?
Sau parul lung al unei femei alunecand peste armura unui cavaler?
Renewer of selfwill, the generous spirit of a healer
Nu stiu...